Ruben Dario Marmol
Argentina, Buenos Aires Buenos Aires F.D.
Resume/CV :
Ruben Dario Marmol was born in Arequito, Argentina. Started studyng music at the age of four. Gradueted at the National Conservatory of Music, in Piano and Composition. He studied with: E. Púppulo (piano), F. Casanova (Harmony), V. Maragno (conterpoint and fugue), W. Sciamarella (composition), and B. D´Astoli (orchestration). He recorded for I.R.C.A (recording Firm from Argentina) two C.D. As composer and musicians he performs new pieces from: Salvador Ranieri, Bruno DÁstoli, Anibal Ditarelli, S. Bungs, Aleman, and others contemporany composers from Argentine. He got the following awards:
* "Most distingueshed Musicians" 2015; I.B.L.A. "GRAND PRIZE COMPOSER´S COMPETITION"; -For the "Requiem Brevis" orgel, mezzosop., sop, Gregorian Choir and bells.
* "Special Mention" 2014, in the International Competition organized for WPTA IPC (World Piano Teacher´s Association, Serbia, London) -"Variations on an E.Grieg´s theme".
* "Mention Artistic Merit", from the "Cámara de Diputados" from Santa Fe (Argentina).
* "First Prime" in composition, in the competition organized for "Promociones Musicales de la Argentina". ("Three Songs" recorded by I.R.C.A. serie: Compositores Argentinos 1957)
* "First mention" in composition in the same institution. ("Sonate for clarinet and piano")
* "Gold Medal" for his performance as student in the "I.U.N.A" (Universitary Institute for Performing Arts).
His pieces: "Cuarteto de Cuerdas Nº 1, and Nº 2", "Trío" "in memorian" Anton Waldhier, "Sonata for Clarinet and piano", "Requiem Brevis", "Opus" and "Tangos" (for piano), were performed by musicians from the Colón Theatre of Buenos Aires (Argentina). His creation, "Variations on an E.Grieg´s Theme" (Special Mention 2014 WPTA IPC compos.compet.), can be heard at the following link: