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Rod Schejtman

FlagArgentina, Buenos Aires Buenos Aires F.D.

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Rod Schejtman is a music theorist, pianist, composer, and the CEO & founder of The Piano Encyclopedia, the quintessential music academy and music books publishing company. The company has been featured by Forbes.com  as the "Rosetta Stone of the music education sector" that is "revolutionizing the way people learn how to play the piano around the world". Since 2005 it has taught thousands of students in over 75 countries what many would consider impossible - to play by ear, improvise, and compose music - by revealing the logic behind music.

Rod Schejtman is also the founder and leading researcher of The Piano Encyclopedia's Inner Golden Circle, a select academic group consisting of Ph.D. university music professors and expert music theorists who pursue the investigation of advanced music theory through the recovery and archeological analysis of iconical books out of print, authored by the great master composers and their students. The results of their research have been featured at notable academic events, such as in International Piano Week 2020, in front of an audience of professional pianists and musicians.

With over 25 years of experience, Rod Schejtman has composed classical and film music that has been streamed on international radio, TV, and live events. His music has been used along with the voiceover of famous actors, and his latest works include a symphonic piece commissioned by the international company Perfil Group on the occasion of the award ceremony of its co-founder and CEO, who was awarded the title of "Illustrious Citizen."

Influenced by Chopin, Rachmaninoff, and figures from the Romantic Period, the artist Rod Schejtman creates music that will take the listener through a journey of intense emotions: passion,  melancholy,  calmness, fear, epiphany; and feelings that are impossible to describe in words.

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Rod Schejtman

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